Ho'oheno ā hoʻōla

To Love and To Heal


This program was specifically designed to support Kānaka ʻ Ōiwi, native Hawaiians. Many native Hawaiians suffer in silence from generational abuse, hurt, stigmas and cultural separation.

This program is a privately funded program and based on fund availibility and applicant qualifications.

Hoʻoheno ā Hoʻōla: to love and to heal

There are many ways to overcome adversity. This program chooses love and not destruction. The focus is on hoʻoheno ā Hoʻōla: to love and to heal. Love in the form of unconditional love, no judgement and that which is pure. Healing comes from your Source of Divine Presence however you define it or identify with it. My role is to be the clearest conduit for Source to work through to support you.   

Do you feel alone at times like you don't matter anymore to anyone? As well meaning as family and friends try to be, do you feel that no one understands what you are going through? Is there a dream you have but don't know how to get there or lack the support? You Matter to Me!!! My process to support you is to acknowledge, support and inspire.

First, would be to acknowledge your pain, trauma or whats not working in your life, not to ignore it;

Second, is to support you through master life coaching and healing;

Third, is to inspire you to consciously create a life that you design so that you are not living by your circumstances.

This coaching and healing program supports the coachee to observe the past, live in the present and design a future that serves them. The foundation of this program is based on 5 Hawaiian Values. The meanings and interpretations of these values may vary. These values as defined for this program are:

1. Aloha - Love. I stand at Source with creator. Universal acceptance of people, all races, religions and cultures that promote peace and love not destruction.

2. Huikala – Forgiveness. Forgiveness is about freeing yourself from the burden of your past. It does not mean that you condone the action of what happened. It means that you now choose to take control of your future.

3. Hoʻihi – Respect To respect yourself first and foremost. To respect others. To honor that which may not be in alignment with your beliefs, values or culture.

4. Malama – To take care. To continually bring into harmony your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual presence.

5. Kuleana – Responsibility. Your defined new role in helping to break the generational pattern so that future generations no longer have to suffer but can use the energy to proactively increase the cultural mana as a positive driving force in the world.

You Matter to Me

It has been my experience in the years as a master certified life coach and healing practitioner that people want to be seen, heard and validated. One of the most effective ways that I have found to accomplish this is through acknowledgement. When the acknowledgment is authentic and specific it is met with great results.

-  You Matter to Me Speech - iConnectU Event, Argosy University

"Incredible, heartfelt, raw, authentic keynote speech that made me laugh, cry and knocked my socks off."

— Patrick Snow, International Best Selling Author

If you could use the support as mentioned above, please click on the link below.

This program is a privately funded program and based on fund availibility and applicant qualifications.

Please leave your First Name (required), Last Name (optional), Phone Number where we can reach you and why you are interested in this program. Mahalo!

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